The Obama administration created an act named, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals also known as DACA. This allowed children who were brought here illegally will have a chance to get work permits and be able to get an education so that they are able to do more with their lives. With this recipients of DACA will not be removed from the United States. DACA was a movement in the right direction for American Civil rights it has given people the chance to live out their ideal “American Dream” . Now that the Trump administration has attempted to put an end to DACA America’s culture will shift from a country of Dreamers and a melting pot of different ethnicities, races and religions…to a country who is selfish with their resources and a country who pushes out those who are asking for a helping hand. Our country was formed by immigrants and built off those who are diverse in thought and look, our diversity is what makes our country great. Denying people the chance to reapply for DACA or apply at all is denying the fact that diversity is what makes America what it is today. Again you are probably wondering what you can do, I’ve been wondering the same thing. The answer is simpler than you or I may have thought. Stand up, and use your voice. It is those protests, movements and those people who are speaking out against hate and bigotry who are starting to help our country get back and move in the right direction of love and justice for all .

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